Chyawanprash is a renowned medicinal remedy in Ayurveda. It is a time-tested nutritive jam that packs an enormous amount of benefits into one herbal supplement - which is why many people what to know, "What is chyawanprash made of?" Together we will learn what chyawanprash is made of, the ingredients that give it its superb healing properties, and how these ingredients can benefit each of us from daily use.

What Is Chyawanprash Made Of?

Chyawanprash is a traditional formula containing between 30-50 different medicinal Ayurvedic ingredients. The staples you will see in authentic chyawanprash are amalaki, ghee, honey, jaggery, and many medicinal herbs.

Amla Berry or Amalaki

The amla berry (Indian gooseberry) is the main ingredient in chyawanprash and has become known as a “superfruit.” Amla is packed with extremely high amounts of antioxidants and a high concentration of vitamin C, which helps the body recover from illness and ward off future disease. Amla also benefits the digestive system, strengthens hair and nails, and is a liver tonic. One of Ayurveda’s oldest texts, the Charaka Samhita, states,
“Amalaki is the best among rejuvenating herbs.”

Ghee or Ghruta

Ghee is another key ingredient in chyawanprash (for an authentic recipe, be sure to look for ghruta, a superior form of ghee coming from free-range Indian Gir cows). Both ghee and ghruta provide several benefits to chyawanprash, including increasing ojas, improving cardiovascular health, and reducing inflammation. They contain essential omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, and calcium, further nourishing the body and improving the entire system’s overall functioning. Ghee is also a powerful anupan or carrier substance that helps transport the other ingredients’ medicinal properties more profoundly into the body’s tissues.

Natural Sugars

A classic chyawanprash will also contain natural sugars like jaggery and honey. Jaggery helps boost immunity, enhance digestion, detoxify the body, and boost metabolism. Honey is a powerful source of antioxidants and is soothing for the digestive tract. Like ghee, natural sugars also serve as anupans, amplifying the potency and power of the medicinal herbs they accompany throughout the body.

Medicinal Herbs

Lastly, Chyawanprash is made from a variety of medicinal herbs. The specific herbs can vary depending on the recipe; however, many constants are ashwagandha, pippali, the heartwood of sandalwood, and ginger.
  • Ashwagandha is a strength-building adaptogenic herb that is balancing for all doshas. It is rich in iron, supports blood sugar levels, and supports the endocrine system, which in turn support a stress-free life.
  • Pippali, or long pepper, supports proper downward flow, clearing the respiratory and digestive tracts. Pippali works towards building a strong agni, which is vital according to Ayurveda.
  • Sandalwood powerfully treats digestive tract problems, fluid retention, coughs, and healthy hair. PIOR Living’s traditional Chyawanprash recipe uses the heartwood of red sandalwood plant for maximum benefits.
  • Ginger is the universal medicine and well-known for being a heating digestive aid. It is also an anti-inflammatory, antiemetic, diaphoretic, and expectorant.

In conclusion, chyawanprash is a powerful combination of numerous medicinal Ayurvedic herbs. When looking to source your chyawanprash, be sure to align with a brand that uses ethical and sustainable practices.

PIOR Living Chyawanprash uses natural and organic ingredients sourced sustainability from small farms in India. Try for yourself and save 15% with code: yogisbreakfast

Clare Michalik, Ayurvedic Practitioner, @clareminded

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